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English Language Worksheets

A new ebook by Mr Lourens Breytenbach (Yours for only R159)
This ebook has more than 200 pages of worksheets, tests, exams, summaries and bonus material to help learners get better marks for English as a Home Language or as a First Additional Language.
It is an ideal resource for teachers, parents and their learners in high school. The ebook is in .pdf format and can be downloaded and printed at home or the office. 

Our ebook contains hundreds of pages with original worksheets (and answers).

Click here to read the introduction of the ebook in a new window.

Here's what's inside:

  1. Diagnostic Test

    Our ebook contains a fun test with 50 multiple choice questions that will help learners to find out on what level they are currently learning. It will help you as parent or teacher to identify problem areas. The test and its memorandum (answers) are accompanied by a full discussion - a great platform for further learning. VIEW SAMPLE
  2. Printable worksheets with answers

    The bulk of this ebook consists of worksheets that teachers or parents can print and hand out or give to their kids to do. Each worksheet is then followed by an exact copy ... but now the answers are provided. This means that learners can check their own work.  VIEW SAMPLE WORKSHEET
  3. Tests and Exams

    The ebook also contains complete tests and exams that learners can do to practise for their own examinations and assessments. Every test or exam is accompanied by its fully worked out memorandum and marking guidelines.  VIEW SAMPLE TEST
  4. The ebook also includes lots of bonus material like posters, "word of the day" and motivational quotes, cartoons, puzzles and much more!

    You can order (AND DOWNLOAD) your own copy of this 200 page ebook right now.
    Scroll down for payment information

How to order

Order Your own copy of English Language Worksheets now by clicking on the Payfast Button below.
The ebook costs only R159.00 and you will be paying through a secure server.
You will be able to download the ebook immediately after payment.
The purchasing process works as follows:

1.   Click on the "BUY NOW" button to pay R159.00 once off.
2.   You will be taken to the PayFAST website where you will be able to pay through their secure payment facility. A variety of payment methods are available, including instant EFT.
3.   Once you have completed your payment you will be directed back to our website where you will immediately be able to download the ebook that you have purchased.
The payment page will show the names and Lourens Breytenbach
4. If you would prefer to do an EFT yourself you can do so and then simply contact us at with the confirmation of payment.
Banking Details:
L Breytenbach
Branch Code 254905
Current Account number: 51240089510
Reference: YOUR name and surname
Remember to EMAIL us at with your confirmation of payment.